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Office Hours

The Parish Office is open

Monday-Thursday 9:00AM to 3:00PM

CLOSED Fridays.

Note that the Parish Office closes in the winter if Marquette schools are closed due to snow.

Parish Meetings
and Gatherings


Please contact the parish office  to inquire about any parish meetings and gatherings.  

Our Mission Statement

We, the faith community of Saint Michael Catholic Parish, united through baptism and empowered by the Holy Spirit, strive to proclaim and live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We welcome all to celebrate, praise and give thanks to God.

Strengthened by Word and Sacrament, we serve with justice, peace and love in the name of the Lord.

A Message from our Pastor, Fr. Greg


St. Michael Catholic Church is located in Marquette, Michigan near Northern Michigan University. Catholic Campus Ministry for Northern Michigan University is also attached to the parish. We are a welcoming and evangelizing community that strives to reach out to others.

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the Life-giving center of this community. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic life. Parishioners and friends experience the love of Jesus and His presence in our many ministries, activities, and outreach efforts.

If you cannot find the information that you are seeking on this website, please call our parish office during office hours or email us and we will make every effort to help you.  See this page for contact information.

Please join us on the weekend for Mass.  We would love to meet you in person.

Thank you and God bless you. We hope to visit with you soon.

Fr. Greg Heikkala

A little bit More  about
St. Michael Parish


St. Michael is a Roman Catholic Church community in the Diocese of Marquette, Michigan. We are a parish blessed with 700+ families. The St. Michael campus includes the Catholic Campus Ministry for Northern Michigan University (CCM) Together we form a vibrant active parish community attempting to live and share the Gospel of Jesus with one another and with those beyond our doors.

A Tithing Parish: In addition to the financial and physical plant support for CCM, St. Michael is a tithing parish and donates 5% of it's annual receipts to regularly support local charitable groups such as Bay Cliff Health Camp, Room at the Inn, the Jansen House, the Care Clinic, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Habitat for Humanity, as well as other groups or individuals in or beyond the Marquette area who are in need.

Visit Us


St. Michael Catholic Church

401 W Kaye Avenue

Marquette, MI 49855


Fr. Greg Heikkala, Pastor

Fr. Dustin Larson, CCM Chaplain

Contact Us

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© Copyright 2021 - St. Michael Catholic Church

Weekend Masses

  • Saturday 4 PM 

  • Sunday 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM

  • Sunday 7:00 PM (during NMU Fall & Winter Semesters)

Weekday Masses


  • Monday 5:30 PM

  • Tuesday 9 AM

  • Wednesday 5:30 PM 

  • Thursday 9 AM

  • Friday 9 AM


Reconciliation (Confession)
  • Wednesday 4:30-5:25 PM (with Adoration)

  • Saturday 11 AM - Noon

  • Anytime by appointment

  • Sunday 5:45-6:45 PM (while NMU is in session)

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